Thursday, October 04, 2007

Back at it.

I'm back up this weekend at The Vineyard teaching on "outward focus." I'm looking forward to it. My weekly pattern is that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are packed full with hardly a minute to spare. Fridays are more laid back. It will be good to hang out tomorrow with some books and my new macbook pro to think about this weekend's message.

Tonight is week two of our new group that meets at our house. Looks like God may be birthing a new community there as well.

Good things.


Derek Sweatman said...

Don't even know if you remember me but you were my RA at one point. Cool.

Derek Sweatman

Unknown said...

glad to know you're still crankin' it out on a mac. the new MBPs are very fast... i'm a tad jealous...

Fran said...

Hi Joe - I am so glad that I can get to watch you and to hear your teaching on my computer! it is so great to be able to keep up with what you are doing! I miss seeing you on Friday nights and want you to know that I have used a couple of your illustrations during my small group (cuz they were good!) if I didn't say it before, I want to say it now --- thank you for being who you are and doing what God has called you to do! I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family in your new home...take care, God Bless and keep being out there on the edge, cuz the world out there needs more folk like you!