Monday, November 03, 2008

Good Weekend

It was a great weekend at The Vineyard. We kicked off a new Holy Spirit series with the weekend Celebrations and then the local premiere of The Road to Emmaus, PA. Around 1,500 people came to the two screenings. As a filmmaker and producer, it was fun to see the countless hours of our talented volunteer film crew pay off with such a warm reception. As a pastor, it was good to see my church wrestle with hearing God's voice. I was also able to meet lots of new people who came with a friend to see the film. I hope the film will be able to create more questions than answers for both seekers and believers alike. I tend to believe that if people would just ask more meaningful questions they will eventually find what they are looking for. I think Jesus said something like that once: Seek to find, knock to answer, ask to receive.

I'm getting requests from friends around the world who want to see the film and some locals who weren't able to come. We are talking with some film distributors now, but If you want to get a copy currently the only way is to go through the Vine Bookstore at VCC. Just head over to and call the office or e-mail the bookstore and they can send you one of the early releases.

Producer Joe is moving onto thinking about The Re: Gifter, VCC's Christmas experience that is 33% stage play, 33% HD movie, 33% Interactive science museum. (Not sure what the last 1% is yet.)
Pastor Joe is moving onto preparing to teach this weekend on the Holy Spirit as the one who convicts the world.
Plumber Joe is counting down his last 36 hours of fame.

1 comment:

Michael Joseph Sharp said...

I've heard some good things about this film/movie. Do you think it would be appropriate for a smaller Vineyard, ... say on the Westside of town?

Most seekers/not-yet-believers I know have preconceptions that all followers walk around *knowing all the answers,* and so a bit of film/movie dispelling such may be good.