As of today, Standard Publishing has provided free book club/small group discussion questions for B2K. They can be downloaded from their website at One of my hopes for B2K is that it will promote fresh discussions about life in the Kingdom of God. If you are part of a book club or a small group/house church looking for something different, check out the link and let me know how it goes.
The book has gone into second print, which I can only assume is a good sign. (They assure me they printed more than ten the first go around.) It is hard to say what “success” is for a creative project like this. I think all artists, musicians, filmmakers, writers, etc. really want one main thing – for people to be able to find and enjoy their work. I am glad that many people who otherwise would not have known this story have found it. I’ve stumbled upon twenty reviews or so online and most are extremely positive. Again, I’m not sure that means anything per se, but it is nice. If you’d like to see some recent reviews, there are a few posted on the official B2K blog at
I also have some press to do in the coming months for the book. I’ll be interviewed on May 20th in Pittsburgh for the Cornerstone Cable Network. We also have some local book signings lined up:
- Book Bums in West Chester, Ohio on May 25th. (Tentatively 6-8pm)
- Joseph Beth Booksellers (Rookwood) on June 10th. (Time uncertain)
- Also a probable date later in June at Barnes & Noble in West Chester.
I’ll post/tweet more details as they firm up in the weeks to come.
Ultimately, I’m most excited to say that I’ve received several dozen emails from friends and strangers who have been challenged or comforted by Between Two Kingdoms
. I think the message of Jesus and his Kingdom is slipping into the minds and hearts of the readers. That’s all that matters to me. I’m very pleased.
How much longer till my signed first edition is worth more than the $10 I paid for it?
I've read it three times and I get something different out of it each time. I think that the length of the book is perfect. It allows for repeated, introspective reading. I can't wait to get a small group going here at work to use the discussion questions. Can I have the answer key?
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