I remember sitting down with a notebook about seven years ago and brainstorming everything I'd like to do over the next decade. I wrote things down like "I'd like to be a pastor, filmmaker and author." It seemed so exciting back then to dream about a multi-layered career path that involved many different forms of storytelling. It seemed rather pie in the sky though.
Flash forward to this week and I'm fighting off TMJ, migraines and acne because I'm secretly stressed over all my little ventures. My body tells me when I'm stressed. I rarely feel much different emotionally, but when I start getting strange pains and ailments I know what's going down. It's funny how dreams realized can turn into stress. I'm helping to lead a beautiful church. I'm in the final stages of editing my first book and working to finalize financing on a movie project I've been trying to make for three years. All my dreams came churning up in one month. It's great...and strangely stressful. There's nothing worse than someone who complains when they get want they want. I'm really not complaining at all. Just confessing. If you a person who does that prayer thing, I could use a little supernatural help on all fronts this month - maintaining creativity, integrity and passion in the midst of a busy season. I have a meeting this week to try to wrap up investors for the film project. I'm beyond ready to actually tell that story instead of talking about telling it. I've saved up three weeks vacation to film it in August and just pray that God works it all out to get the green light.
In the mean time, I'm speaking again this weekend at VCC on idol worship. Pray that it comes together. I've also been working today on our August series at church - trying to find the right angle to teach around the issues of being a people who invite, include, and practice hospitality. These are wonderful tasks to be entrusted with. If you could, ask Father to give me a little extra wisdom, energy and clarity this week....and a little less pain in my right jaw.
The Lord is with you, mighty warrior! Operate FROM him, not just FOR Him. Be a river dweller, where you are filled up so you can flow out. And stop grinding your teeth at night! :)
Hmm - lemme see if I can think of any other platitudes for you!
Seriously, though, the soaking thing is where it's at. Resting in Daddy-o will take away the stress and give you fresh perspective...
Congrats on the creative accomplishments! I hope to not be far behind on the film-making!
Who was it that said the only thing worse than failure is success?
I don't think it was Bill Gates or Donald Trump.
You never cease to amaze me with your multi talents. As young lad you should go for all your dreams just so you can say in your old age "Yep. I been there and done that."
Pursuing your dreams with a passion will insure success if led by God. Just wishing and waiting on your dreams with out Gods help will not gain success. Only a "what if I could have".
Stress is good.It keeps you focused on the task at hand. Stress is only bad for you if it paralizes you with fear and self doubt.
What me worry?
Ok I will pray for you. Does that get me tickets to the premier?
I will pray for you.
Wanna pray? Yes!
I will pray for you, Joe.
Joe - In this busy season I would like to tell you something I heard about you on Sunday. Surprisingly this came from my husband. Now I was way excited to listen to Andy this weekend, he is actually who hooked me to VCC. My husband and I were talking at lunch and he said that it was not Andy who hooked him, it was you. Now we had been going to VCC for 1 1/2 before you arrived, but you hooked him. I know I am going to probably misquote what he said, but what I remember was "I am sure that Joe had fears, I am sure that Joe was scared, but I for one am glad that he overcame whatever he needed to because when he teaches there is one person in that audience that is giving him his undivided attention. If he did not come to our church I would be less of a man today." There are not many people my husband says that about, in fact I can count it on one hand and I don't even need my thumb. So thank you for everything you do, even when it causes stress. We will pray that this season is an easy one for you and that your jaw stops hurting. Thanks again!
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